Similar to: Cards Against Humanity, You’ve Got Problems, If You Had To To play Red Flags, you don’t need special gaming skills or experience – just a good sense of humor and a bit of spare time, making it an ideal choice for all players. In terms of dating, this can be anything from weird appearance to disturbing ideas, funny smells, or offensive jokes – and that’s precisely what this game is all about. ‘Red Flags’ is a term we use to describe certain situations or details signalizing we might be heading to a disaster. Learn how to play Red Flags with my step-by-step instructions below. Other similar games to Red Flags (our guides).This Red Flags game rules guide will cover the following: Its rules closely resemble the likes of Cards Against Humanity (see Cards Against Humanity rules) – but despite its somewhat kinky topics, Red Flags is less profane than other games. The game centers around the not-so-successful date experiences, and it’s great fun. One of the latest we’ve tried is Red Flags. Whenever I expect a visit from friends or same-generation relatives, I try to surprise them with a new party game (check our top game night ideas if you need more inspiration). This Red Flags game rules guide explains how they can be turned into a game.
Failed dates are the best sources of crazy stories that can make you laugh even years later.